Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Makes noise and leaves

The city -- odious at times, sent the Junn Hoarde+ to pick up the leaves. These people people came in not unlike rats. I would have preferred locusts, eating crops and leaving waste, but these people -- underpaid perhaps, started the morning with thunderous music and the "quietest" of trucks. I got a chance to see them furble their way down the street, then take off running. It reminded me of thieves.

To top off the brilliance, they packed workers on the front loader shovel and sped down the street. Now that, my readers, is classic Darwin. I'd like to thank the city for the service, I'd also like to ask the city for safety training on all staff members. If nothing else, watch the German forklift safety video, as delightfully clever as Peter Jackson's earlier films.

+ Beastmaster, man am I old!


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's not the city. Maybe those guys saw the videos, took the OSHA 10 hour class, had discussion with the safety director, shown how to use a hard hard, steel toe boots, how to tie-off and use outriggers to keep the lift from falling over. How to get someone to hold a ladder for you and the city invested all kinds of money trying to make it second nature to these guys.......and they STILL ride the front loader. Because they're idiots. Maybe it's not about blaming government, it's about the personal accountability of those individual employees who CHOOSE to break the rules despite their training. Maybe the city did a WONDERFUL job of training of them and it would be insult to injury, salt in the wound to hear you say that they weren't doing all they could after spending all that money and investing all those resources on a blue-collar workforce who just doesn't not give a shit. I'm sure you've met people who don't give a students. I'll bet when their don't-give-a-shit kid came home from school, the parents would say "those damn teachers drawing their city wages and not making my kid give a shit! I blame the city!"

Anonymous said...

some obvious typos up there, but for some reason, I don't have the option to delete the comment and repost it with editing. Oh well, you get the idea.