Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Good, simple adivce

Gain experience from everything. In each day, learn ... learn something new, learn something again, but learn. Though I did not return to Indy for the sales job, I took away from it: advise your family and friends.

Get an education. Go to college and get a degree. It doesn't matter in what, for most people after a few years are not working in a field relevent to their degree, but you need one.

Be honest. If you aren't honest with yourself, you aren't honest with anyone. If you are dishonest with others, you are then alone. Alone is a terrible thing to be.

Give thanks, not only to someone who does something extraordinary, but also thanks for the "extra napkin", the "hello from somebody or nobody", to friends and family. If you believe in a higher power, thank that entity too.

Talk when you can; walk when you can. Talking is exercise, walking is learning and healthy. Both use your mind and refresh your blood.

Make entertianment. I mean make, for watching hours of mind-numbing TV isn't making anything other than you stupid. Make entertainment by playing games, writing, drawing -- just doing!

Love others. If you don't love you, then start there. After that, love others -- it's more important and helpful than can be expressed in words.

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