Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


A little late, but Michael J. Fox made a plea to continue stem-cell research in pursuit of health beenfits. There is research that might lead to Parkinson's Disease treatment, a noble cause. There was a big furvor over Rush making rude statements. Okay, right there.

Who listens to Rush blowhard? The loud jerk who is no stranger to making an ass out of himself. Look, after Clinton, I though he'd be just about done. I guess with other democrats and those who listen to his show (snicker), it's reasonable to go talking for three hours on the same subject of how bad a candidate is. Even better than that, you get to do another three hours the next day, and the day after that.

I liken it to any other enterainment show, which sadly isn't touted as such. It's for entertainment only. The same would go for Comedy Central's Daily Show and Colbert Report. There are people who "swear" by these shows. Did it ever occur to them that since they are on the comedy channel that they are for entertainment purposes only?

While people make some interesting points, they don't have to stick to fact, which tends to be boring. Any sensationalist does poorly when s/he moves from the shock to the "awww" (audience shown newborn kitten). Fact deters from sensationalism, so much so, that facts are as deeply hidden in the diatribe as spittle in a wading pool.

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