Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

authoring competition between the states

In the nation now there are millions of convicts, hundreds waiting to be executed. I think the states should compete to see which state can caputre the most criminals, legitimately convict them and execute those senteced to die. There is a healthy competition! Texas is supposed to have the highest rate of criminal execution. I think Indiana can do better.

I challenge Indiana to escalate its execution rate, in accordance with the law, to not meet, but beat Texas' execution rate. I also challenge other states to then beat that number, and so on. Make it so that those waiting on death row not have to wait ten to twenty years to die. I think that "speedy trial" should be matched by "speedy execution". My reasons for execution option are quite plain (covered almost endlessly in previous blogs), but suffice to write: "The dead commit no more crimes, leaving society safer in their passing."

1 comment:

MR said...

Looks like the Feds are taking you up on your challenge:,2933,227010,00.html