Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

444 days

And these butt-munches want American tourists? F 'em! I'm old enough that this was real for me -- hostages held for 444 days. Are there reports that they got fat like Guantanamo Bay detainees, no. They were treated terribly. They weren't POW's for they weren't military.


America has shown you that "we are untrustworthy". I can safe unabashedly, that you too have shown no capacity for reason or rationale. If you ever want America off your back in out of your backyard, stop chanting, "Death to America". Better still, learn to communicate. Death chants aren't communication. Including death chants in "daily prayer" isn't peace or prayer or love, it's hate. You practice and adore hate, demonstrated by this.

Perhaps the strategy for America should be to hold Iran's government hostage for 444 days, mistreat it, and send it on it's way into obscurity. Can anyone name one survivor of the hostage taking? Nope, didn't think so.

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