Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, October 27, 2006

no thinking involved

Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali declared that women who don't wear burkas invite rape. That's an odd phrase coming from a Muslim who doesn't believe rape exists except for non-Muslims to engage in sex with Muslim women. Here too, the Westerners would be rapists, while the women would be whores. Therefore, easily fixed by a good ol' killing of everyone. He'll double up on bad statements by calling women "meat" and that the White House should be emptied. In retaliation to this outrage, the US did nothing. Huh! We didn't burn the man in effigy, nor start riots. Huh. Gosh! We're missing out!

I would speculate if this is, and I truly hope not, the taught concepts of more tradtioanl Arabic Muslims, then women should be afraid and that is a piss poor excuse -- slavery. I'm surrprised that they didn't take up the sub-Saharan African tradition of female genital mutilation. This practice is to "ensure monogomy" of the woman. The man, of course, has no such bounds. Some, not all, of these Muslim cultures in Northern Africa also have mentral huts, where bloody women go until they are no longer bleeding.

So, is this the standard? What I'd like to know is what is the standard? What group allows women to be, you know ... people? From the translations (Dead Sea Scrolls) and Qu'ran texts into English, it appears to be, well ... a religion where deviation is not tolerated and women don't have a real afterlife, per se. So ... again, I would like to know what the typical concepts, theories and practices are. What I see and get scare me.

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