Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I'm the guilty party

When around the youth -- children, it is always wise to carefully choose your words. I refrain from swearing as best as I can and I try not to refer to adult matters. I have, unwittingly, left a word well in the vocabulary of Charlie. I had played some game and then -- bampf, "moron" spilt out. I paid no attention to my liking of this word until Charlie referred to folders on the TiVO as morons. Oh, my ... I'm glad that I didn't say it in a derogatory manner denoting its meaning. Yikes! A tabboo word for him and family is "stupid".

In this case, I would like to backpeddle away from responsibility, but I can't ... I am the moron for using the word.


MR said...
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MR said...

"you broke one of the biggest rules there is...the first being 'don't get involved in a land war in Asia' but only SLIGHTLY less important is NEVER get into a battle of words with a KID when MANNERS are on the line! Ha ha ha hahahaha! (plunk)"

"You've heard of Plato? Socrates? Aristotle?"