Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, October 09, 2006

No Child Left Behind

Hey, lunkheads in congress and senate. Do think that, instead of making accountability law without money is more important than keeping students who want to go to school safe? Flunkies at the congress and senate wheel, step away and quit. Safety should be number one! If they aren't safe at school, they won't go and the smart parents won't send them. Get that "No Child Left Behind" shit off the books and make funding for education. Look, you can tell the world that you don't have the money, but you had the money for a war in Afghanistan and Iraq. We're still paying that daily. SO ... I don't believe a friggin' word when you tell me the nation doesn't have the money. You lied right there. "You're sitting there, acting like we didn't already have this conversation!"+

Make schools safe. Fund schools so that they have staff and supplies. Make education work. If you only look to the next day and not the next couple of decades, then step away. You aren't a thinker and aren't a planner. The US imports college grads abroad because we don't produce enough. How many GED or High School only jobs are there now? How many will there be in ten years? There will be fewer and you know that!

Let "No Child Left Behind" be a founding for money and education and the resurgance of learning, not a cold phrase from a teen killer holding a gun.

+ Fargo


MR said...

What about BABIES?! They should put that money toward the prevention of BIRTH DEFECTS and S.I.D.S. research and prevention. The government should buy Gerber and make all BABY FOOD and FORMULA FREE! And what about ORPHANED BABIES?! You BASTARD! You'd take money away from ORPHANED BABIES?!

moral: There's always a bigger bleeding heart.

MR said...
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MR said...

Look, the President is doing just what you asked...promoting child safety in schools. Exactly what you were talking about... somehow I think you'll find something wrong with this, some imagined reason why it's not good enough, like your vote is make of gold or something. ap_on_go_pr_wh/school_safety

(a space was added to the link before "ap_on" to get it to word wrap, you'll have to take it out when you paste it in to the browser.)