Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Novelty saves it's life

Cute little four-legged chicken is marveled by owners, who have decided to keep it as a pet.
"I'm a freak ... I freak! I'm strange -- I wanna die!"
Relax Wilbur, you're "I wanna die" speech would come moments before the "I wanna live" speech. Do you know what happens to chickens?

They're beheaded, plucked of feathers, gutted then cooked and eaten.
"I wanna live!"
Okay, okay, now Wilbur. We don't need a spider in the corner to tell them you're SOME CHICKEN. Thankfully you have four legs to prove that! You're gonna be okay. You'll live up to the ripe old age of 7, then be buried and dug up by raccoons or oppossums and devoured in partial rigor mortis.

You might, by chance, be mated repeatedly with potential mutant roosters, for more "unique" or "freaky" poultry of your calibur. You'll be an X-chicken egg-laying fool, but loved.

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