Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

leaning which way?

a bit more to the left, no a bit more to the right ... back up, some more ... some more

oh, skip it!
This place found my page
, but to what use, I do not know.

1 comment:

MR said...

that guy is clearly an asshole. People always say that it's their American DUTY to be the voice of descent and to be sure that every issue is given it's due argument. Bullshit, they're not being the devil's advocate as a matter of course, they're bitching because they're not getting their way. I hope that guy is suffering daily under the rule of conservatism.

"Dude, if you know so much about politics what are you doing here on this... blog at 2am?"

In order to criticize something, you must be aware of a better course, as a proof that the course we are on is wrong. If you don't have a better idea, stow the criticism. This "I'm not going to say what we SHOULD do, just that this is wrong." We would be frozen with inaction if these people ran the country.