Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

A&E documentary

I didn't watch all of it, as it was undoubtedly a drawn-out story, but there was a story of a girl who was a teen heroin addict and she was diabetic. Reportedly she had a babysitter who molested her. Throughout the documentary they flashed some stats -- like 2/3 of girls who are molested become drug addicts as adults. She also had stress in that the parents' relationship was collapsing later, with yelling, battling, possible separation, yielding stress.

Since the molester was in the adults' employ, I would have had the following scenario: I would offer the boy to either kill himself or then understand that I would kill him slowly over a long period of time; say, like Se7en or something of that nature Dr. Phibes. I think that isn't too unfair, even sporting of me, allowing the man to kill himself rather than outright make a decision for him.

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