Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

felonious act: "Killing in the name of" *

I feel complacent in actions of others, yet feel justified in others. Taking and swallowing this jagged pill, I'm a bad and poor Christian. I'm also a pragmatist in that, I'd proactively act, rather than deal a person afterwords. I will use the recent Indiana sniper as an example. The boy, hopefully tried as a man, got angry about deer gutting, "is it deer season, I didn't think so", and went on a shooting spree, targeting unknowns.
Now, is it likely that this boy would act out violently again as a "legal" adult -- certainly. No psychologist in the world could rightly say or write that this aggressive boy wouldn't be a danger to others. I would use this person as an example of the fatality waiting to happen, when a man strikes out violently, supposedly to family's great surprise. "Gee! I didn't see it. I knew he had a temper, where he ran over mannequins when he was petrubed at work, but I never thought he was violent."

Society lucked out here, sadly not before one man was killed and other persons injured. I don't feel ill or poor in my "faith" in condeming him to die. He is not elligible for execution because of plea bargaining, in that he confessed in exchange for life.

In the end, as a neo-socialist, I would sacrifice rights in favor of security. This sounds communist or is it? How many people are willing to let the government wiretap in order to save our nation ... many! I am confortable in my own crimes, not being charged or convicted of these daily crimes, yet -- I can't say that arresting me and charging me would be unjustified. My crimes I shall list on a later post.

* Rage Against the Machine

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