Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Lethal Weapon

Lethal Weapon was on Sunday night. It reminded me of an attempt (not really singular) that [friend who shall remain anonymous] and I had trying to "sample" the movie when it was new on VHS.

What's great about this whole line of statements are: they cannot be substantiated evidentially

He brought over his VCR and set it on mine. Getting the thing timed together was a pain. We tried to use the remotes -- they each worked both VCRs ... Keystone copiers. They also didn't record the first several attempts -- 4 hours in total to record it.

There was copy protection on the tape in that there was a cyclic rise and fall in brightness and color (around 20 seconds) throughout the movie.

Without the protection we ran into some of the same silliness with Aliens, but fewer. In the course of it, I learned both movies quite well.

It mostly fails when you have the same VCR, mostly.

Next I can hear, "You're gonna arrest Timely Demise of Sanity"

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