Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Barnes & Noble

Ah ... getting a membership there has it's priveliges like:
Dear M.,
Why haven't you spent a ton of money with us recently? Here's a coupon good for 15% off A book. Here, great sales on books you and people you know won't read. Buy some over-priced CDs or DVDs.

This coupon expires in 5 days. You'll know, because we'll pester you until you use it. Buy from us now! The power of Barnes compells you! The power of Barnes compells you! [I'm supposed to stop leviatating in anger and drop down and sit at my computer and shop].

We'll mail you, email you, call your friends and have them invite you to Barnes and Noble. We will get your money. If nothing else, we'll take over one of your loans and get it that way.

Uh, people ... I'm just not buying right now. Is that okay?

Buy, buy buy!!! If you don't spend money you don't have, the terrorists win.

ummm, I don't think so.

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