Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Short day

My folks got a new fridge -- appliance 3 this year. It was not a good year for appliances.

I also went over to see Charlie and family. Ted was there and we talked a bit while Charlie was riding his new bike -- c/o Ted for Christmas. Apparently, he and Beth went in and dropped their collision coverage on their auto insurance. To their misfortune, 2 weeks later, a kid drove across many lanes and smashed into them, causing $2000 worth of damage. Thankfully, they were unhurt.
State Farm stated that since they didn't have collision coverage, they needed to pay 30% of the deductible -- $700 in their case. My advice, don't use State Farm Auto Insurance.

1 comment:

MR said...

Where I work, the building was put up in 1987. Because computers weren't widely used in that time, power consumption needs for the future were underestimated. Years later every office has a computer, if not two. a Monitor, a CPU, and accessories. Laser printers chew up LOTS of power. Anyway, as certain computers began to fail consistently in certain offices, we experimented with putting in uninterruptable power suppplies (UPS) to see if the problem was related to power. Sure enough, the problems went away. We're trying to replace full sized glass monitors with the newer flat screens which consume less power and steer more people toward the network printers instead of a laser printer on their desk. To the point: Wouldn't it be interesting if those three appliances died as a result of running on strangled power? That might explain why they all went at the same time, and all in the same room (kitchen).