Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

two mouths, as one

Clinton on the road ... "interviewing interns on the way" I suppose. In response to his sexual exploits, I include these words from Bill himself.

“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully to the best of my ability, lift eyes toward the challenges of bright new affairs that will define character for decades to come.

We must keep forever young. set our sights upon new promise. Then, in triumph, that promise exploded onto African Americans, all minorities, and women.

Now, another time to choose. with a choice, to spread our nation from coast to coast and to harness our values of human decency.

People have been touched, exhilarated by opportunities, problems that seemed destined to deepen. We need a new government humble enough not to stand up for our values and interests; coming from behind others.

Each one of us must assume personal responsibility our nation.

Will we come? These obsessions cripple those who succumb to the dark impulses that lurk in the far regions of the soul. We shall feel great rewards; will live together, we must answer a resounding ‘Yes.’

This is the responsibility, journey we sought, will find again in the eyes of every girl. Not just the few, but every child. and the plans they make of a better job.

Our nation that meets its obligations—never loses the balance of its values. A nation where we sustain the great natural bounty of our people. To that effort I pledge all my strength. I ask the members of Congress here to join in that pledge.

Nothing big ever came from being small. It is wrong to waste the precious gift wide enough and strong enough.”

++ The above is completely from Bill Clinton, though many words were deleted. The words are in order.

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