Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

sans camera II

I met up with a friend earlier and had a great little walk through downtown, then Sweeney Park. We got a chance to talk, though I was quieter and duller than normal. Sad to type, I was walking without the feeling of a soul -- zombie able to do much, but not feel. I really wasn't good company, but she was happy to be near and around me anyway.

The cutest thing we saw on the walk were goslings. One was alone with a mom, trying desperately to catch her wiggling the butt as quickly as possible. The other was a small family all clustered around the, presumably mommy and daddy. They were fuzzy and watching it gave you the warm fuzzies.

It was a nice walk with her; I only wish I had been there.

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