Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

National Treasure too many

My sister, brother-in-law and I watched National Treasure 2. Iwill simply the movie: take Indiana Jones traps, mix with Carmen Sandiego theme of National Treasure, stir in complete unbelievability and you have it. Plot can be found on page 47, aka National Treasure 3. The player stopped just 4 minutes from the end, in the "epilogue" part of the movie. We had to dissemble the player to retrieve the disc. After many minutes, the ending wasn't worth the fight.

They picked the right actor for Irrational Treasure. Nicholas Cage at his mediocrist! He tried his darnest to be Fred Flintstone at Buckingham Palace with the Outsiders leader-esque demeanor. Can somebody please let the general public know that this is his finest? Take Ghost Rider, please!

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