Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

State of the Union address

I overheard some of it last night, but I like to read it. As I am reading it, I am disheartened. I cannot and will not spend a long-winded blog about what I find wrong here and there. Suffice to say, I found many errors early on in the speech. I also heard Webb's post address commentary speaking on behalf of the democratic party.

I would rank the Webb response about 50-50 or 40-60 regarding success and reliability. I cannot give Bush as high of marks on his speech.

It was just bad to read it and remember when the listeners applauded or stood and applauded points of interest that with no thought, don't bear out reality.

It wasn't good, but it was grief.

1 comment:

MR said...

Well then THERE'S the job you've been looking for, President of THESE United States! You need a job, take HIS! You say you know how to do it.