Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, June 08, 2007

I went into work and ...

Okay ... The GM misunderstood what my original note was. Upon hearing that the DM and I agreed to a pay structure ... $2000 raise, he was shocked and asked if I had signed a statement about it. I already thought of this and no, I didn't. I have no documentation regarding the pay structure.
The GM said, call the DM, for the GM would not grant a raise for a level change, but rather only on merit.
Now, I see his point on merit, but to give more responsiblity and more shit and no pay and the hassle of pestering me of when I moving to Warsaw for the job I'm disliking more and more, I believe I've already made my decision.
I called the DM expecting a flat denial of my raise ... no, he said, "yeah, we'll get that in. Hey, do you work tonight (a very stupid question for I work each and every flippin' weekend), I'll talk with the GM and I meet you there."
So, I'm still in limbo. If I don't get the raise tonight, I walk, handing a premade resignation letter to the GM. Again, I like him, but ...
$40 (about) weekly is what we're arguing about and this is a cheaper raise. The review is abiguous regarding: expecations, time ... I don't like the ambiguity, or the carrot on the stick.
Tonight, I'll know. Last night, the GM in our short talk said that he can't give raises, but rather suggests them to the DM who either approves or denies them. It's a bad night for them for me to leave -- Fridays tend to be busy and I am supposed to be there until 11:30.

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