Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, March 09, 2007


Please read the fourth line.

While the lyrics are familiar to me and the words are all familiar to me, looking at this, I am stopped by, "read the fourth line." Which fourth line? Should I go by the lyrics and the stanzas in the song, no matter how badly blurred and stained they are or should I find the fourth line and read that. Such is the confusion sometimes at work. At times, it's almost like, "Every other third Sunday after a full moon, except in September, where it's always the second Thursday with notable exceptions.

The exceptions aren't as bad as just plain terrible sloppiness. Add to this, the futility of talking or directing with 15-40 dB ambient noise, varying in locations. So, in a quieter area, you talk as if someone in a mid-noise level can hear you ... not so. My "beef" is sloppiness. I got this type of paper and from that I was to put together my "thing". I made an error. Now, I would normally be angry with myself for a stupid glitch, but here ... it festered all day because I would not attribute it to my fault, but rather in sloppiness. It angered me so.

If you have the time to write, "red, green, yellow, white", don't write, "rd, gn, y, w", for then the reader wonders, "where's the fire" or something like that given to WTF.
My second little sore spot:
Welcome to the 21st century ... please don your wooden sandals and begin your freeway travel to your destination. Some of the things there seem almost as schtupid as given NASA abacuses. If there is technology ... use it. The company isn't small. Like any large company it would have buying power. If you want fewer errors ... smaller losses ... improve the system.

Well, you see, I didn't know how to write carburetor, so I wrote, "Car" in it's place. That didn't confuse you did it? So, in the decades of existence ... there are computers there doing things like tabulation ... sales, but as far as ordering ... uh, no. Why use pen and paper? The system for sales has every single thing on it ... right, friggin' there!

We don't like to use the car ... it's scary, so that's why we run along the freeway in our wooden sandals. If they used what they had ... errors would be even smaller. Look, it's one thing to point out, how you come up with figures, and having a system to do it if the computers went down, but hey ... if they are running, use them!

I can understand if I make an error, but errors made on the basis of sloppiness and defiance of technology -- irks me! I'm a fool, but if there's a car, I'll choose it over walking 75 miles in a day. Use what you have.

1 comment:

MR said...

For some reason, the run-on rambling of this line:

"Every other third Sunday after a full moon, except in September, where it's always the second Thursday with notable exceptions."

Put me in mind of this:

"In the morning, when I am usually wide awake, I love to take a walk through the gardens and down by the lake, where I usually see a
duck and a drake, and I wonder as I walk by what they would say if they could speak, although I know that's an absurd thought.

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?"