Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Monster House

The rating was right on this one. This isn't a very fluid young kid's movie. That being remarked, I think a few other elements should have been reconsidered before its release:

[WARNING, includes MOVIE parts. DO NOT READ if you want to see the movie for the first time]
criminal conversion (shoplifting) of a boy from his father's pharmacy,
minor in consuption (late teen drinking beer),
child-care provider abandoning charge ,
Ron Jeremy-esque character nearly petting babysitter on car near end of movie,
to-be built house in the middle of nowhere (literally in scrub land) with children hiding behind bushes tossing eggs.

Some of the elements are good, creative, disturbing. With the direction, left of child-oriented, they ought to have added more adult language, themes, or other elements.

Highlights: character reactions, Jumaji fright and repeated elements. Sam Lerner is a good voice match for Rupert Grint. I'm hoping to see some US acting ops for Rupert. Most of the characters have weakened values on their body parts. While I understand that it is animated, it looked a bit flat when you saw the hair that looked, well ... plastic. If they went to the time to put together so many other things, why did they skip out on the hair?

I thought the movie was okay, weaknesses stated and that it looked like "buy this movie now as the video game" feel to it.

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