Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

down home

Well, I was greeted well by my niece at Purdue when I was there to take her home.
As a side note, many girls there have long since worried about guys in the hallway. My niece and I were getting into the elevator when a girl walked through the hall wearing only her towel. She looked at me, smiled (perhaps to herself) and walked on to her room, I suspect. She was non-stop excited chattering.

When I got to her home, her sister, another niece of mine, first bounced like Tigger out the door and across the lawn to greet her sister. She then bounced over to me and happily hugged me. I was a good man to have brought her sister. I guess I serve a purpose afterall.

Angel, the dog, greeted me, but was especially happy to see my niece from college. A quick observation and there was something wrong with poor Angel. According to my niece, she has a fungal infection in a private area, quite dark, mutant growth noticeable. I presume she is on an anti-biotic medicine. While I was given no incling that she would call, I predict that family will invite everyone over for dinner -- to show the folks the sofa and to eat as a group, once again.

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