Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Calling Veruca Salt

"bill will have little or no effect on federal spending and provide no substantial savings to the government", so says Tony Snow. Who gives a care? The government won't save? Excuse me doofi (plural of doofus), but the measure is to help individuals, persons, not the body of government. The president's call to veto it I think will downgrade his rating yet more, if that matters.

I don't care if Republicans or Democrats wrote and passed the thing, if it helps -- do it!

"... don't care how, I want it now!"

"The president and his Republican allies have argued that this bill would do nothing. Then why, I must ask, would he bother to veto it?" said Dingell, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

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