Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Constitutionally Gay

I looked through some old flickr pics and found one guy marked a nativity picture as a favorite. I looked through his pictures and he had loads from a Catholic demonstration or was it? There were many, many, many supporting "Equality". Equality for what, one might ask. I thought -- for what, gays? Yes, there was a group for gays -- marriage. There were Catholics in the mix supporting gay marriage, however that works.
Also there was "Jewish Community Supports Catholic Gay marriage". I bet they do. You see, the new slogan is, "Just f*** 'm!" Ultimately there will be fewer catholics, as there are more non-procreative parishoners. That's an ingenious plan! I don't know the state or city. The photographer's perspective was unclear, but the rally did give me one thing -- material for jokes.

Uh, isn't that supposed to be "love your brother and fellow man?" Yeah, love or (rhymes with duck) him, what's the difference?
We want a constiutional ammendment to declare that we're gay! Okay, you're gay [in writing].
What's that dancing going on in the center? They're -- oh my -- get the firetruck!
Sir, we must do something, they are blocking the city county building. Okay, rig up Judy Garland music to the ice cream truck and lead them away out of town.

1 comment:

MR said...

Maybe you could hire a Pied Piper to lead them out of town playing the skin flute.