Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, May 15, 2006

commercial sisters

woman 1: KY jelly
sister: pediacare
sister: bouquet

Similar, but not identifcal sisters. I find it funny that they showed commcerials in the order of KY jelly (heated version) with pedicare ... worked, eh?

They ought to run Linda Hamilton and her twin in commercials ... after 20 years of quite, dis-similar lifestyles, they are distinctly different.

Then again, they have the puffy-checked 17er's who do the double mint. I taught twins who could pair up for a literary masterpiece, unmatched by previous authors. [names exempted] are fantastic. They are methodical, whimsical, lyrical, inventive. I only hope their difficult middle school years don't shut down their fragile, yet precious persons. What a tragic loss, were they to never to show their wonder! In my city, proper, the local city schools have little to offer with safe and reasonable schools. My "ala matter" of middle school is now a virtual waste of humanity with little regard for humanity.

Sadism the common, parochial schools should see a burst of enrollment ... God rest their precious souls.

Last year, intentially burdoned with 25 pounds of water and a pack of 5 #s, biking at full bore for 5 miles, I met them, they recognize me, greeted with kindness; a smile; their father concerned, but forgiving. Yeah for him. Guard well ... listen.

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