Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Throw another faggot on the fire.

Yeah ... that's what we need. Gosh, with the way things are we really need the gay input. Regardless of who they are, Howard Dean apparently wants those gays! I guess John Kerry's not the only one to really botch his words then. What Howard doesn't seem to understand is the democrats don't need him or John talking, but instead find someone else to do the speaking. Both of them really make the republican party look good, and make counter-democrat propoganda easy.

+ "Throw another ..." + Support Your Local Sherrif, in a statement referring to a bundle of sticks that was taken as an invitation to incinerate homosexuals. It was intentional humor.

1 comment:

MR said...

One thing I really do like about this last election is that it's a real "put up or shut up" for the Democrats. Frankly, even if they just shut up it's a major win for me. In any case, the old dodge of "we gave all the power to Bush, HE'S the one getting us in trouble!" won't wash any more.