Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Some little bits that cracked me up

I was eating with the folks when they brought up two things that made me laugh. Mum was talking about scientists getting closer to cloning, which angers her. She likened this to View to a Kill, James Bond movie. Christopher Walken is a genetically enhanced and selected post-Nazi era sociopath, whom mom thought was clone. While father couldn't come up with the title or actors, he remembered the character name: Zorin. As many times as I have watched bond movies, I would never have remembered this. That was funny.

The thought of clones really made me laugh, especially when you think who could afford cloning you generally wouldn't want cloned. Think of more Bill Clintons, Bill Prestons (Keanu Reeves), Dan Quayles, Dennis Rodmans, Prince Charles, Paris Hiltons (not a brain among them), Jim Bakers (televangelist), Oprah Winfreys, Tim Burtons, Courtney Loves. I stop here, for I'm laughing, but those with so-so mental stabilities might also be cloned as well as cloned Kim Jong, bin Laden well training their "equal" in the ways so that nothing changes. Stalin would have loved clones.

Proponents and opponents would clash on many things, especially on the thought that 18 year old models' clones would turn out the same way (most horny guys would be willing to gamble on that) and the evil of creating clones for non-living purposes. One of me is scary enough, "I do not want a [clone] like that, Daddy!"+

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Verucca Salt.

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