Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

proctology of the mouth

Generally when I speak, I'm a little abrasive when going on about some subjects, I can't use "discussing" as they entails listening. I think, as of late, I have poorly spoken and presented myself as the world's leader authority on what a cerebrial subduction-anterior colon inversion (head and arse place change) truly is. I think I think things through, but later ... thinking, perhaps for the first time, I find that I don't like what I said. "Whew! Boy! You sure can talk some [fecal matter]!"+ (++)

You talk the ++, but do you walk the ++, and better, can you smell the ++ you're putting out? The answer to this question is, "I don't know."

+ Thank You Masked Man

1 comment:

MR said...

And ya...laughedatus, you laughed at us! You went "hi-ho hah-hah, likedat."