Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, November 06, 2006

on hands and knees

Yesterday, I did the old seasonal thing of gutter clearing. I do this twice a year and usually for a neighbor or two as well. I am either an old man now, or that is more work than I remember. Up and down on the knees step, shift, step shift, pull. The leaves in the neighbor's gutters were dry. Sadly, mine were wet. On both roofs I got the added "benefit" of raccoon and oppossum poop. Gee, thanks, it's what I always wanted.

Either they had a nature call or they were claiming territory. I think both are equally likely. Anyway, I'm sure the other neighbor, whose gutters I probably need to get will have tokens in there as well. Gross. Thanks, but no thanks.

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