Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Dolphin Embasador captured

For generations, dolphins have been trying to develop legs to walk among the bipeds who have fudged up the water. In a drastic attempt to negotiate with the humans, they dolphins have sent their ambassador, only to have him caught with people speculating that he has "old genes". Damn! What will those fools think next?

Humans, barely able to speak to each other, could hardly tell that the ambassador was repeatedly communicating with them. In the end, he was "squeaking" as the humans call it, rather coarse language regarding being held upside-down out of water. Apparently humans have forgotten they are heavier out of water.

Suffice to say, talks between the species never took place. Dolphins are cursed the retarded humans and have blanketedly called off any attempt to talk with them for some time. Dolphins have not taken to pushing themselves toward oil on dares, the toxins bringing them to newer levels of consciousness.

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