Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, October 06, 2006

J Karr's free

to receive the bullets presently in my 60 round clip in my automatic uzi. I knew, when they lost the computer, that they were going to lose the case. They couldn't get him on much and now that don't have him. Let's see who's neighborhood he enters. I wonder how many he'll molest before they catch him. He seemed to like to talk about molesting and killing. I dare say, this pansy, lightweight punk will likely get his chance. Now -- if things were better (though not right) a "stray bullet" would find its way to him.

Let us all reflect on the continual releasing of molesters back into society ... no better, but perhaps only more clever than before, to capture, rape then perhaps kill their victims. Ya know, I'm tired of it! If the state sought marksmen for firing squad, I'd be there every weekend, 15-hour days if necessary and unpaid.

If you have children, I'd either get pissed or never let them see the light of day. I'm on the side of pissed and believe emptying the braincase of the molester is a good, solid way of removing the powerful impulses that "plague" them so often.

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