Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

cleaner TV brings questions

I was watching, Ugly Dachshund, a Disney movie about a man who intentionally integrates a Great Dane into the family, hoping for a manly man dog. It is typical 60s-70s Disney. Anyway, there were a couple of scenes where the couple were in the bedroom and they had seperate beds. Charlie, Monkeyjack's son, was confused by this and wondered if they were in a hotel. That's really very funny and observant.

While most couples have ONE bed, I believe too often TV and movies tend to try to show you action in the bed that isn't appropriate for younger viewers. Generally speaking, the sheet rustling has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the plot whatsoever. This is the mark of a poor writer who can't captivate the audience without titilating them with scenes of sex (to varying degrees of explicitness, graphic content and nature).

1 comment:

MR said...

TELEVISION! (spit) Why do you waste your time looking at that thing. Why don't you take a walk, or write a poem, or pick flowers to give to someone special...

Moral of the story: there is always someone to the left.