Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

anime environmentalism

Nausicaa, a tale of a girl who has "strange powers", really is good-natured, so say it simply. She cherishes nature, life, insects, and plants. When another group of humans tries to take over her community, the story unfolds as into a story against war, ultimate weapons (thermonuclear), slaughter, and hatred. It is a little brutal and would leave many kids with lots of questions, but they would be answerable. I would suggest 9 years and up watch it, though many 9 year olds' would probably not like it.

It's overall messsages are fairly clear, the visuals are intersting and the music is quieted, but so-so only. The background child singing (Nausicaa's little to-herself song) is pleasant and used for allusory purposes. Patrick Stewert dons the voice of Ebineezer and Uma Thurman plays out a quasi- Kill Bill character seeking bloodshed and curiosity through control, domination and warmongering.

I would rate it about a 4.8 with limited re-watachability, also due to some ambiguity to the story line and characters. The same director did Spirited Away, a much better film, and Kiki's Delivery Service. Not so surprisingly, the protagonists (girls) look remarkably the same in so many ways.

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