Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

America, wake up!

Do you really want these on the streets again, in any town let alone your town? I'm greedy. I don't want my tax dollars spent on keeping someone in prison for the rest of their life, while vagrants can't get medical help, these pedophiles do in prison. I say kill them now! How many people have to friggin' die in school shootings or be molested before America decides -- hey, that's enough of that shit right now!

A hibitual sex-offender (specifically child molestation) gets 8 years in prison, 2 years probation. Did you read that right? Habitual; that means repeated convictions, will be out again to molest and rape and maybe kill. Is that person learning in prison, becoming a better person with like individuals and other criminals in there; no.

Damn society for harboring these types of terrorists. Kill them now. If you want them -- you have them! I don't want them! I'm fine the the execution of persons. I think I should be allowed to direct where my taxes go, directly. I pay taxes and I think that I should be able to go online and direct how they are spent. I don't even care so much that the taxes are higher than they should be, but I do care that the taxes are spent stupidly. I find that congress and senate spend the money stupidly. Crime is a large amount of annual expediture that doesn't grow smaller every year.

As far as it taking more money to kill convicts by lethal injection by the law with decades of appeals and costs, I consider the fact that not feeding or providing water will result in the same end, but faster and cheaper. If that's cruel and inhumane, I think providing them with the means to suicide is perfectly acceptable. If not that, then live ordinance testers or simply shooting them. In any case, the dead tend not to commit crime and I don't have to wonder about them lurking around finding or creating victims.

If you read about the PA Amish killer, he supposedly molested/abused girls in the past and wanted to do so again. So ... those wanting to save the molesters, please raise your hands and raise your taxes! "F" 'em! Kill the molesters now, not later, now! God judges, Christ saves; I'm neither. A person has to live on the planet dealing with his/her sins, as well as the evils of everyone else. I'd prefer a society with fewer molesters wandering around. You can't get them all, but you can certainly put a dent in the number living.

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