Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

steps to improvement

My mother is making yet greater strides in improving. She pulled herself up on the walker twice today, at other times needing help. She is more mobile and "with it". Some of her rotten days are a blur and she still has memory jumps, but she is presently highly-medicated.

The cardiologist came in today and stated that he thought that her heart arhymmia wasn't too serious and was planning, likely, to discharge her with oral medicine to thin her blood. He said it would be trial 3 months, perhaps for life, but that is of little cost. It is much better than a semi-invasive or dangerous procedure not quite surgery.

The orthopedics think that she's doing well, but I'm not sure of the physical therapists thoughts. Each group has a different interest in her and each has high goals. She has met the minimum requirements, it seems to be on the track for discharge from hospital to rehab. Certainly there, things will settle closer to normalcy.

I then have installation tasks with my father to outfit the bathrooms with appliances. Her first few baths will be painful, lifting her legs over the full tub-shower. I know that he has a lot of plans in his head. He doesn't share them with me.

I thank eveyone for their prayers, wishes, hopes, support. She is improving at her own speed -- aggrivating for the spectator, but she'll get there.

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