Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

I don't know F'ing squat

I thought that Mom might be able to be discharged from ICU to rehab hospital -- that was wrong.  I then then she would be sent from ICU to ortho floor again, that again, may be wrong.
The doctors may have to shock heart into corect rhythm, but that too is conjecture.  Her inconsistent heart rhythm isn't a big deal, but they may opt to make it "right".
In lighter news, I have given up on really sleeping.  I don't really do it anyway, why put forth the effort?

1 comment:

MR said...

Tomorrow: wrong again. It seems Mom was moved from the ICU to the arcade.

It seems that there will be no sleep had in the H household until mother is safe at home. She is apparently the big Cog on the gear that is the H family.