Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

by accident

I was at Walgreens today, making a purchase at the counter, when I mentioned to the saleswoman there that there was an oddity on a picture they had showing. She leaned over to examine the picture, I turned away from the picture to see that she was looking at it and ... cleavage. It wasn't intentional. I feel so ashamed because it was unintentional. If I had wanted to see, I would have put forth more effort. I happen to know who she is because of where I get my hair cut. She is the bi-polar daughter of a woman who works at the "salon/gallery". The saleswoman also has a child. I believe that she's still living with some guy, though unmarried.

1 comment:

MR said...

she needs to reverse her polarity, it always works on the superfriends. ...of her brain, not her tits.