Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Father didn't play golf yesterday. His partner didn't want to play in gloom and mist. A couple of players went on to experience heavier rain before quitting. Father also finsihed early with poker -- not winning and came home to rest. This morning, he looked unrested. On the way back from hospital, he was blinking often. I was driving, making the trip less scary.

Mother wasn't rested. She was loopy with sleeplessness, pain meds, and other meds. She ate more of a meal today. Last night, she tried the veggie lasagna and ate it pretty well. She had "perfect shaped" french toast which she ate most. Her appettite is slowly returning. She's plain tired of being there, I can't blame her. Her vitals are still high yielding yet another day there in ICU.

She is also experiencing "sub" week, in that two of her regular doctors have substitutes this week (those fellow doctors working in a group). I don't think she likes that too well.
I am now trying to switch from coffee to juice whenever possible. It can be a little less acidic and destructive, but not always. My stomach is still queazy most of the time. I caught 7 minutes of sleep at hospital and felt rested this morning until I sat down again, then the blanket of grogginess hit me again. Between my father and I, my father is the worse for wear. He dislikes hospitals and doesn't really know what to do. He's used to giving commands -- directing, but here, now -- nothing. He's in control of squat! In this matter, he's neutered and it isn't a pretty sight.

I am suffereing, but less so, because I have had practice with pain and sorrow and loathing. I also have a job that I must take -- stone, for Father and family are jello or water. They can erode me with time, but I stand firm and must be different.

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