Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, August 04, 2006

wound that would not heal

Mother has an August 24th surgery appointment.  Mother complained about a leg injury that hasn't successfully healed for 3 years.  Nice -- a nurse who doesn't check into it.  Against her will, Father took her to the doc.
According to the doctor, they need to take a biopsy to verfiy his suspicions that it's pre-cancerous.  Since an incision might bring on an infection, he suggested that she not take this action now, so close to surgery.  Some more about which to worry.
Today was a long one.  Mom is sore, Father is plain bushed.  The news isn't good.  Welcome to the weekend.
In lighter news, my sister and her family are supposed to take a mini-vacation to lovely Monticello, Indiana for a day at Indiana Beach (large, long lake with rides, etc.)
Another sister, her husband, and their canine companions Samson and Argos are due to come up this weekend.  It should be fun, much more fun than the drive, wait, bad news.
I haven't slept well, tonight is likely going to be the same.  Tylenol pm didn't seem to work.  I think I'll try reading a book some one lent me.  I think this is bleak week!

1 comment:

MR said...

I tend to think your environment defines your mood, all the more reason for you to relocate as soon as possible. As the facts come througn in this sterile blog format, pre-cancerous is a glass half full. IF it is, then it was caught. In any case, if I had that diagnosis I wouldn't exactly dig my grave. BUT, I think you said your Dad is a worry wart and I doubt your Mom is throwing any parties just because of all the attention to her health, still I wouldn't let the prevailing mood saturate you. The worrying often exceeds the problem ten fold, now that we have such foresite with health issues. "Cancer" is a word like "Tumor" you say it and people gasp, but you can have a tumor of nothing but fat, completely harmless. There certainly are those types and occurances of cancer that don't represent a threat to life and limb, just defective cells. Anyway, from a third party those facts don't seem that bleek, don't get dragged down in a miopic and pessimistic view of things.