Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, August 04, 2006


McLaughlin group debated, "Evidently, low approval ratings can be contracted through saliva."

What in the world were each of them thinking? I really doubt it was a kiss, but that was all kind of bad timing! Whatever it was, it is now and forever a kiss. It was a bad call. Left only with the dismal "what is the definition of 'is'".

The statement whispered to him should have been, "this isn't a good idea."

1 comment:

MR said...

He said something really quick, like "Thank You." Here's the full video, this is part of the campaign I posted about on my blog about the democrats cannibalizing their own for not being unreasonably hard left. Ironic that the one democrat who thinks for himself instead of just reading the talking points is being shed by the party. Anyway, the video, after a state of the union or something: