Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Loss control

I'm thinking of Van Halen here, but I missed my appointment today. I should restate that I didn't attend my appointment, rather than "miss" it. Sales, sales, sales (like "Guns, guns, guns."+).
My sister told me of the hell that is her life. Much like dominoes: son gets pulled over twice in one day (having to drive to pick him up in Ohio), husband gets in accident last night suffering possible whiplash, daughter has repeat infection.
Perhaps Brainstew would be a better song.

+ Robocop, stated by Clarence Bodiger

1 comment:

MR said...

So YOUR the one! I remember many years back when we were hiring for a technician position every so often someone just wouldn't show up. And we'd wonder... why did they schedule a meeting if they aren't going to show up? No call, nothing. And we weren't telling them it was going to be no two hour interview. Hell, some of those people we knew they WEREN'T hired before their butt hit the chair.

The winning applicant in that case is still working there, likes his job, likes the atmosphere, likes the flexibility. The line he won the job with: "GREAT! When do we get started?!" As the hologram of the dead scientist said in I, Robot, "THAT... was the right question."