Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, August 11, 2006

generally cooking shows

are adult Mister Rogers. Boy were they novel when they first appeared, but now. I'll show you how to make salad. Huh? How can anyone need help making salad? That's like needing help making soup or cereal. Salad: choose vegetables that you like to eat raw ... chop into bite-size pieces, mix with 30-50% lettuce (not iceberg -- for it's a waste of a vegetable) with any adornments -- fruits, figs, nutes, croutons, cheeses; if you like diced egg -- bacon, chicken add that too. I don't need a recipe. If you buy a salad recipe, then you should be equally interested in a mint condition 1956 Forenza.

Cooking shows might be the best thing on in the afternoon, but if that's so ... turn off the TV. I have, and I feel happier for it. I tried watching it, but hey, I know my colors, so I don't watch teletubbies. I'm not entertained by TV. Cooking shows -- yawn and painful, headache-inducing rot. I'll fan this, tell you how good it smells. Really?! So, when you bite into it, I should understand that it tastes good? It's like anything -- tell you when to laugh, smile, feel, taste, smell. I'm not quite that stupid.

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