Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, May 19, 2006

War of the Worlds AD 07 (series) ep. xiii


Nuclear missiles have struck throughout Iraq.

Now, days after ... Iraq mobilizes any and all forces to attack Iran. It launches SCUDs first, destroying, what were towns. Unknown to them, nuclear weapons had vaporized many Iranian cities and towns, allowing the Iraqis to believe in a greater success on their initial attack.

Over the boarder many troops travel finding only waste and destruction. Large black, charred areas and volcanic black glass lies strewn throughout the desert. Only a few are allowed to be educated enough to find danger here, most are grunts, trained hastily, fairly well-armed, but ill equipped. Headlong to their victory, they believe -- in slaughter or in matyrdom.

Iraqi insurgents are gaining a larger foothold within Iraq. Under a semi-permanent cloud of dust, debris and communication silence, the US military is moving forward toward key cities. The insurgents race out to meet many of the military, finding no Iranian troops.

Sniper drones (unmanned drone aircraft with a sniper rifle and many rounds) skim above, and while dust provides the opportunity, they fell armed insurgents lurking in the dunes. A small section of desert is set up as a four week shelter and HQ. Large vehicles churn up the desert continually, shielding anything within the cloud. Jamming from the deposited electronics shroud nearly all of the Arabain area (viral spreading) with static.

Troops begin small forays into areas, assisted by stealth bombers, drones, and pre-launched working satelites.

Little aware are too many of the doon that awaits and the expunging of the "old world" for the new order.
AD 07 (Arab Destruction by end of 2007) appears to be on schedule.

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