Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

War of the Worlds 07 AD (series) ep. v

In 2 hours the object will strike the Earth. It has increased its speed again and appears likely to hit the ocean and not the US. Americans are relived that they are in less danger than they were hours and days ago. With this news, many in the US are returning to a calmer state and expecting to return to a normal “hump day” Wednesday.

Camera crews on ships are preparing for any footage they can get and have announced that the associated press will pay for most footage of the object.

The US military is at a stand still in the Iraq movement. The news that they may pull out, has been changed, but the insurgent lines still pour into Iraq unchecked by the military. The US again focuses on the challenges of helping Iraq regain and retain it’s freedom from a coup. It hasn’t announced any intent on increasing its force which is now substantially smaller.

Japan’s rocket fired correctly, but missed the object, so scanning it wasn’t possible.

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