Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Uncle Ducky Show

Monkeyjack, Scott, perhaps even MR was there while I made that fateful call.

It was Halloween 1991 (or 1992) and we had flipped through channels to see a local access channel. Although I had never seen the show, Scott recognized this right away. The Uncle Ducky Show was airing its usual fluff, trying to be funny. They were taking phone calls. I tried to get through for a bit and finally succeeded. The rest of the conversation went something like this.

Hello. You're on the line. Who's this?
Me: Satan, from Hell (said in a deep, dark voice)
Hey, Satan. How the hell you doin'? What the devil do you want?
Me: I just want to say one thing ...
Okay, you devil!
The Uncle Ducky Show (build up) shucks! (notice I didn't quite say sucks)

Did he say shucks?!
What is he, a farmer?
He's a Hoosier!

They got to use the heckler as a joke. Wonderful! I quickly turned the channel, not to speak of it agian that night.

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