Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Legends of the Fall

More stupid things I miraculously survived:

Climbing up a ladder and trying to duplicate coyote running in mid-air, then falling onto not-so cushy lawn furniture pads.

Swinging on vines in the local woods -- including having it snap mid-swing, sending me falling 8' onto my back.

In the same woods, firing randomly at things. I fired at a tree, the bb hit something and it came up to my eye -- within an inch, then fell to the ground. I was convinced that day of the phrase, "You'll shoot your eye out!"

Bumper skiing with a person who doesn't tend to stop if you've fallen.

Ridning on the backs of cars
Riding in the non-existent trunk of a Fiero (hot engine that I had to avoid touching), so the trunk was open and I rode in it until a stop sign, over hills and bumps. I was desperate to get out -- I nearly left it while the car was moving.

Mixing a batch of alcohol and water so that I could hold fire! I didn't actually get burnt with this, but it was stupid. On the same day, I blew up a butane lighter I found.

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