Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Day at the races

Do you want to see what underwear I'm wearing?

It was a great phrase, but it's the circumstances/situation that needed work. The boys, Charlie and Jared, were getting ready to walk with Sid. Charlie just finished with the bathroom, but had trouble pulling up his pants and underwear. Later, he'll figure out to do one at a time. Anyway, I remarked that he had spiderman undies. Jared, looking for attention, asked, "do you want to see what underwear I'm wearing?" If only it had been in ... um, different circumstances and people. I could imagine a great dream of women with me and one asking me to look at her undies.

Is it okay if I walk my pet stick?

Jared found a large forked branch during out walk. He continued to walk the branch ahead of him making animal noises for it. He said, "quiet" to it to hush it. He continued to walk his pet for the remainder of the walk.

The first half of the walk with underscored with snowball after snowball thrown by the boys, many hitting my back, some my head. Jared won with the most frequent number of snowballs. Charlie won with the largest snowballs. Often he would include leaves in the mess.

Now it's just you and me.

Charlie happily said to me. He still isn't quite into sharing, but he's getting better. Having me all to himself was great! We played hide and seek with lightsabers, he always hid "well" from me. With all the rough housing, he fell asleep early.

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