Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Hidden lines

I remember when it was okay to play music when you couldn't understnad the words or when they were spoken so quickly that you didn't catch them. Now, of course, there is the internet where you can get any lyrics.
"Greased Lightning", was a song that was okay to play when I was younger, because no one paid attention to the lyrics, "You know that ain't no _hit when you're getting lots of _it (female anatomy)..."
"It's a real __ssy (nickname for cat) wagon..."

What's more useful is that some language is deeply hidden, so well contructed that you don't consciously process it.
"Sonsuvbiches, Bumpises!" -- Christmas Story. I really like this movie. It's great and the father, who reminds me of my father, uses Yosemite Sam profanities: Stickle fifer! (In that regard, my father was not G or PG) You really don't pick up on it, as they distort other curse words throughout, "f--u---d---g---e! Only, I didn't say fudge. I said the Queen Mother of dirty words; the f dash dash dash word."

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