Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, December 18, 2005


or something like it.

I was playing with Charlie who wanted to push against me -- head and hands first against my hand. Sid, silly dog, got jealous and grabbed her rope and wanted to play tug with me. I was then pulled and twisted on my right and was pushing against a highly-active 4-year-old on my left. It would have made a great picture! Both surrendered at about the same time. Charlie became transfixed by the lure of cartoon television in spans of 4-7 minutes.

We later went outside and Sid was pulling me along, much like a sled on tundra. Charlie was having fun trudging through the snow leaving bootprints and crawling every now and then. I found that both of them together make a pair mightier than myself. I sent Sid inside while Charlie and I played for a litle bit more outside.

Later in the evening, Charlie, who has a slide on one side of his bed, wanted to make steps with the cardboard bricks. This was somewhat successful, but there weren't enough of the long bricks to make the course even. He worked through it though. He fell asleep watching Tom & Jerry. Keith nearly did too.

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